Boriska, the Indigo boy from Mars

Boris Kipriyanovich is an Indigo Child, probably the most famous in Russia. Boriska, or 'little Boris', was featured in Pravda here and here, after Gennady Belimov, a university professor in the Volgograd region of Russia, witnessed Boriska, then aged just seven, astound an adult audience during a camping trip in which he held them spellbound for an hour and a half as he recounted tales of past lives on Mars and Lemuria, and warned of catastrophes due to affect the Earth in 2009 and 2013. Belimov had the presence of mind to record Boriska's monologue, and within a short time word was spreading within Russia about what this diminutive prophet had to say, especially once the story was picked by Moscow's premier newspaper.

Word gradually filtered to the west via a Pravda article that made it on to the internet (quotes below are from links at the end):

When Boriska was born, I noticed that at 15 days old he already held his head up," recalls Nadezhda. "His first word, "Baba" (grandmother), he said at four months old and from then on, you could say that he started to talk. He made his first sentence at 7 months, with the words, "I want a nail" - he saw a nail in the wall, although generally children start speaking much later. The most remarkable of his intellectual abilities were beyond the physical."
It was then (at age 2) that Boriska told us about his previous life on Mars, about the fact that the planet was in fact inhabited, but as a result of the most powerful and destructive catastrophe had lost its atmosphere and that nowadays all its inhabitants have to live in underground cities. Back then, he used to fly to earth quite often for trade and other research purposes. It seems that Boriska piloted his spaceship himself. This was during the times of the Lemurian civilizations. He had a Lemurian friend who had been killed right before his own eyes…
Read the entire articles on the links below the video.


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