"Glowing Little Man" Spreads Panic in Salta, Argentina

Edited by Albert S. Rosales

The following apparent UFO/alien sighting took place at about 9:04 am on 21 May 2008 in Salta, Argentina.

Residents of the town of San Carlos now claim seeing a strange being, standing some 40 cm tall, with a magnetic field that kept people from approaching it.

Two people, mechanic Walter Lopez and Omar Ferlatti, informed police about the sighting of the diminutive creature [apparent alien] whom they described in detail: the being was small, glowing and wore pants. It appeared it be protected by a magnetic field.

This incident increased the collective fear of the residents of this community of the Valles Chalchaquies even further. In recent days, a luminous object was seen in the vicinity of their town.

"Kids aren't going out at night out of fear of the strange creature and the UFO," claimed a resident of San Carlos in a statement to the Copenoa news agency.

Ferlatti and Lopez's account dovetails with the one given by a shepherdess on the hills, who was startled by the strange visitor.

Police have stated that both stories coincide and that local residents are indeed frightened. "It hasn't been seen again. It would be good for it to return, to ascertain that the events were indeed as described," said deputy sheriff Luis Comenares. Translation (c) 2008, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Mario Luis Bracamonte of C.O.R -- Circulo Ovnilogico Riocuartense)

UFOINFO would like to thank Scott Corrales, (Inexplicata and Inexplicata Blog and UFO UpDates.

Source: The Canadian National Newspaper

Editorial reference: LINK

In Hamilton, ‘Dr. UFO’ is on the case

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 2:47 PM EDT
By Michael Redmond Lifestyle Editor

Source: centraljersey.com

The Doctor will see you now.

“Dr. UFO,” that is, otherwise known as Pat Marcattilio of Hamilton, the affable founder of the New Jersey-Pennsylvania UFO Study Group, which has been meeting monthly at the Hamilton Library for nearly 25 years. In the UFO community (yes, “community” is the word), Mr. Marcattilio is one of New Jersey’s most prominent figures. Over the years, through his travels to UFO conferences around the country, also through the conferences he organizes here, he has come to know many of the bold-face names in American “ufology.”

A father of four, a granddad, a retired postal worker who grew up in Trenton, Mr. Marcattilio first saw a UFO in 1963 and has been on the case ever since. “I was out in the back yard while my wife was cooking dinner.” he says. “That was the time when satellites were big and people used to watch for them. I saw this big bluish- white light coming across the sky and I said, ‘Honey, come look at this. It’s beautiful.’ Then the light took a right-hand turn and zoomed away. ‘Wow, that was no satellite,’ we both said.”

Mr. Marcattilio picked up his “Dr. UFO” moniker by being the go-to guy for lots of ordinary people with out-of-the-ordinary questions, and also for his personal library of more than 1,200 UFO-related books and videos. He has created something like a traveling museum, too — some 75 large panels mounted with UFO photos, scientific reports, police reports, etc.

Who attends the meetings of the UFO study group? What happens there?

First, if you were expecting a freak show, you would be disappointed. Like Mr. Marcattilio, the people who turn up for meetings are regular folks, solid-citizen types indistinguishable from the people you might run into at the supermarket or the mall. Some of them are merely curious. Others have had life- changing experiences and are seeking answers in a supportive environment, where they will not be ridiculed or rejected. Others are UFO “professionals,” such as MUFON investigators from New York and Pennsylvania and independent researchers.

A recent Harris poll found that of those Americans surveyed, 33 percent said they believe that intelligent beings from other planets have visited the United States. Skeptics view such findings as evidence of “unexamined belief in pseudoscience, fantastic claims, and irrational superstitions.”

The Hamilton group’s proceedings are informal. Mr. Marcattilio runs the meeting with a light touch and lots of humor.

“We go with the flow. There’s no power trip,” he says. “I try to make the meetings interesting. I have a UFO datebook and I might talk about what happened in ufology on people’s birthdays. We show UFO videos. We talk about what’s going on in the news, about programs we’ve seen on TV. And I ask them to share their stories.”

Recent discussions have centered on the ongoing UFO flap in Bucks County, where more than 70 sightings have been reported since last summer. Newspapers and TV news, usually reluctant to cover such news, have had no choice but to do so. In January, a conference called by MUFON’s Pennsylvania chapter at Bucks County Community College attracted hundreds of attendees. On the entertainment front, the Discovery Channel has devoted an episode of its “UFOs over Earth” series to “The Bucks County Flap” and the History Channel’s popular “UFO Hunters” is taking a look, too.

“Turnout goes up and down, people come and go,” Mr. Marcattilio says, “but there’s a core group.”

The conviction that UFOs are physically real and that extraterrestrials pilot them is widely shared, but there’s no party line. One longstanding member has done professional research in parapsychology and serves as the group’s in- house debunker. Some reports provoke sharp questions from group members. But everybody has their say — and people are almost always courteous, he says.

Also, if you were expecting dramatic testimonies, you would probably be disappointed about that, too. Group members turn out to be reticent about their personal experiences, in the main, but Mr. Marcattilio has a gift for bringing people out of their shells.

A 30-something Little League coach from Yardville recounts what he saw on Aug. 6, 2006, while walking in his neighborhood.

“I’m a normal guy, a boring guy, but sometimes I feel like the guy on ‘Close Encounters,’” he says. “This thing can just consume you, it can take over your life. I’m a quality control manager, I’m a stickler for detail. You wouldn’t believe the hours I’ve spent doing research on this, searching for answers.”

“Dr. UFO” will be presenting this year’s Great UFO/ET Congress on Saturday and Sunday, May 2 and 3, at the Bordentown Ramada, Route 206 North at New Jersey Turnpike Exit No. 7 North. Speakers will include Stanton T. Friedman (“Flying Saucers and Science”), David M. Jacobs, Ph.D., Temple University historian (“The Hybrid Presence”), and John Ventre, Pennsylvania state director for MUFON (“The 2008 Bucks County Sightings”).

UFO / ET Congress

Bordentown, New Jersey

May 2 & 3, 2009

Ramada Inn

1083 US Highway 206, Bordentown, NJ 08505

Near US Highway 206 and the New Jersey Turnpike Exit 7

The Ramada Inn -- 1-609-298-3200

For more information on speakers and their talks check the Speakers page.

For information on registration see the Registration page.


UFOs, visitors are here – situation mysterious, says author

(This article originally appeared on the Transcendent TV & Media site.)

Well-known author Whitley Strieber's April 26 entry in the "Whitley's Journal" section of his Web site provides interesting reading about "disclosure" on UFOs and visitation to Earth by other intelligent beings.

In his entry titled "A New World, If We Can Take It," Strieber writes that, "the primary directions contact will take are two."

"First, and most important, it will be between individuals and the visitors, without any institutional barrier such as some NASA or Air Force officials directing our actions or laws restricting or channeling contact."

"Second, it will involve scientists working publicly on data that can be readily obtained in dozens of different ways, to make sense of contact in terms that are meaningful to us," Strieber says.

Strieber has a long track record of providing meaningful and valuable perspectives on subjects from global climate change to human consciousness to UFOs and visitation by intelligent beings.

Although he wrote several good novels earlier in his career, his 1987 book COMMUNION thrust him into the public eye more than ever. The book described his apparent contact with intelligent beings who appeared to be extraterrestrial and/or extra-dimensional. Several of his subsequent books continued the exploration of these topics.

Strieber's under-appreciated 1989 novel MAJESTIC presented an insightful scenario about what may have taken place surrounding the alleged 1947 Roswell incident.


What is some of Strieber's other current thinking on these kinds of unusual subjects? He writes that the apparent "shoot 'em down" UFO policy of the U.S. government was counterproductive.

Strieber seems to feel that this kind of stance by the U.S. government reflected a blocking of contact between humans and visiting beings.

This apparent governmental position "has blocked our evolutionary path and left us trapped on a planet that is becoming unable to support us and could, more or less at any time, start malfunctioning in ways that could induce a massive dieback of our species," Strieber writes.

In a hopeful view, he also suggests that we can optimize this kind of contact.

Strieber writes, "Of course there is another chance. But it does not involve our existing authorities and institutions. In fact, it has nothing to do with institutional authority except insofar as it must stand aside in order for contact to proceed."

He says, "As matters now stand, if there was an admission at the highest levels of the U.S. government similar to that already made by numerous other governments, there will follow an effort to manage information flow by directing the media to NASA, the U.S. Air Force and such quasi-governmental groups as the MUFON leadership. However, these groups probably have little to nothing of any value to offer."

"The release of the much vaunted 'secret knowledge' supposedly in possession of the US government probably doesn't much matter," he writes.

"It has most likely been obtained, for the most part, by people who lacked any real ability to interact with our visitors, and not only has little value, it might even be tainted by inaccuracies, incorrect conclusions and falsehoods that are designed to make us feel a need to hide behind the authority of the very institutions that would be releasing the supposed 'bombshells,' in an effort to terrify us into preserving them," says Strieber.

When he says "for the most part," Strieber might be hinting that he has a bit of faith that some U.S. military, intelligence and scientific personnel may have developed the appropriate insight about the scenario, or at least a constructive perspective.

Strieber appears to favor a more democratic and grassroots approach to the situation, suggesting that the academic community, scientists, researchers, journalists, investigators and average people become more involved in the situation.

According to Strieber, "If, in addition to the end of official denial and the constant scrambling of armed aircraft, there comes a properly constituted and new effort to understand by scientists who work outside of the U.S. government – for example, in the academic community – then there will also be a response."

"The more accurate the conclusions that enter scientific culture, the richer and more complex the visitors' reaction to them will become. Useful understanding will lead to the appearance of more information," he states.


But how do we follow Strieber's advice? This alleged situation of UFOs and visiting beings does not seem to be widely accepted at this time in the scientific community, the news media, some government circles or the general public.

Or, maybe it is just unclear how accepted some version of this scenario is. It seems to be steadily evolving.

Strieber provides the following guidance: "In reality, the way the visitors function and what happens to people in their proximity suggests that they perceive the world very, very differently from the way we do."

"For example, when you are face to face with the small gray beings that form such a large part of the presence we see, and figure so extensively in its folklore, there is no sense that you are with people. Rather, it's like being with animals who are much more intelligent than you are. This is because there is absolutely no cultural familiarity at all. None."

Strieber makes a possibly very useful comparison to humans and dolphins (cetaceans), and our comparative intelligence and consciousness. He notes, "How can officials engage with somebody whose meaning lies beyond a gap far more vast than that between us and, say, dolphins?"

"We haven't the slightest idea what cetaceans may be saying to each other, or even what language means to them, if anything. And our visitors – even those who appear to engage with us verbally – are far, far more different from us than any earthly species."

For those wishing to explore this aspect, there has been extensive research on dolphins that is well-documented and available on the Web. The work of John C. Lilly, M.D., is especially useful. Interestingly, Lilly investigated not only dolphin consciousness, but human consciousness as well.

Strieber notes that human consciousness, perception and awareness are part of the situation. He might be implying that our thinking logical minds can be combined with our alternative perceptions such as dreaming states, intuition and the human "sixth sense" to understand and deal with such a scenario.

He seems to recognize that government officials are in a difficult situation. There may be no easy answers about what approaches would be best. It is a complex and mysterious dilemma, at least to most people – and apparently including Strieber.

As he and others have pointed out, maybe it is supposed to be a mystery.

However, in his journal entry, Strieber ponders the day when a government official might announce, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have known for some time that a nonhuman intelligence appears to be present here. Beyond that, we have learned little of any value. Our own forces will now stand down, in the hope and expectation that the people and public sector science can learn more, and gain for mankind the value that appears to be available to us."

Read Strieber's entire journal entry at UnknownCountry.com.

Morris UFO hoaxsters tell their story

Authorities may have called them "stupid' and "juvenile" but the two men behind the recent Morris County UFO hoax say their stunt was, in the end, a glaring success. Chris Russo and Joe Rudy say they launched helium balloons with traffic flares tied to them in a "social experiment" to debunk the pseudoscience of UFOs.

Source: NJ.com

The Veritas Show - Show 18 - David Sereda

Running Time : Approx 2hrs 55mins

Aired Friday 23th April 2009

Special Guest on the show is :-

Cliff High


Maybe some of you have heard of The Web Bot Project, but for those of you who have not, it's quite intriguing. The Web Bot Project, developed in the late 1990's, was created to assist in making stock market predictions. The technology uses a system of spiders to crawl the Internet and search for keywords, much like a search engine does. When a keyword is located, the bot program takes a snapshot of the text preceding and following the keyword. This snapshot of text is sent to a central location where it is then filtered to define meaning.

Web bot Technology

Half Past Human

David Sereda. The Hidden Harmonic Codes of the Universe


David Sereda discussed a multitude of topics, ranging from the hidden harmonic codes of the universe, the pyramids, energy crystals, anti-gravity, extraterrestrial communication and his latest film: Mona Lisa's Little Secret.

Website Links :-
The Veritas Show Website
The Veritas Show Blog
The Manitcore Forum

Video Produced By : webeufobelievers


David Sereda's first aspiration in life was to become an astronaut. In 1968, David and a friend witnessed a UFO along with hundreds of other witnesses. After this experience, David grew up as a UFO enthusiast never living in doubt of the phenomena that has swept the world since the Roswell incident in 1947. His interest in space, religion, philosophy, astronomy and science led him on his career in related fields. He has worked deeply in high technology, on environmental and humanitarian issues and as a professional photographer for over 20 years. He has studied world religion, science, physics and paranormal psychology for over 25 years.

To get the latest results on this AOL Poll, Visit : AOL News

Posted By : WebeUFOBelievers

Official CDC Health Advisory - SWINE FLU

This is an official CDC Health Advisory
Distributed via Health Alert Network

April 25, 2009, 3:00 EST (03:00 PM EDT) CDCHAN-000281-2009-04-25-ALT-N
Investigation and Interim Recommendations:

Swine Influenza (H1N1)

CDC, in collaboration with public health officials in California and Texas, is investigating cases of febrile respiratory illness caused by swine influenza (H1N1) viruses. As of 11 AM (EDT) April 25, 2009, 8 laboratory confirmed cases of Swine Influenza infection have been confirmed in the United States. Four cases have been reported in San Diego County, California. Two cases have been reported in Imperial County California. Two cases have been reported in Guadalupe County, Texas. Of the 8 persons with available data, illness onsets occurred March 28-April 14, 2009. Age range was 7-54 y.o. Cases are 63% male.

The viruses contain a unique combination of gene segments that have not been reported previously among swine or human influenza viruses in the U.S. or elsewhere. At this time, CDC recommends the use of oseltamivir or zanamivir for the treatment of infection with swine influenza viruses. The H1N1 viruses are resistant to amantadine and rimantadine but not to oseltamivir or zanamivir. It is not anticipated that the seasonal influenza vaccine will provide protection against the swine flu H1N1 viruses.

CDC has also been working closely with public health officials in Mexico, Canada and the World Health Organization (WHO). Mexican public health authorities have reported increased levels of respiratory disease, including reports of severe pneumonia cases and deaths, in recent weeks. CDC is assisting public health authorities in Mexico by testing specimens and providing epidemiological support. As of 11:00 AM (EDT) April 25, 2009, 7 specimens from Mexico at CDC have tested positive for the same strain of swine influenza A (H1N1) as identified in U.S. cases. However, no clear data are available to assess the link between the increased disease reports in Mexico and the confirmation of swine influenza in a small number of specimens. WHO is monitoring international cases.

Further information on international cases may be found at: http://www.who.int/csr/don/2009_04_24/en/index.html

Clinicians should consider swine influenza infection in the differential diagnosis of patients with febrile respiratory illness and who 1) live in San Diego or Imperial counties, California, or Guadalupe County, Texas, or traveled to these counties or 2) who traveled recently to Mexico or were in contact with persons who had febrile respiratory illness and were in one of the three U.S. counties or Mexico during the 7 days preceding their illness onset.

Patients who meet these criteria should be tested for influenza, and specimens positive for influenza should be sent to public health laboratories for further characterization. Clinicians who suspect swine influenza virus infections in humans should obtain a nasopharyngeal swab from the patient, place the swab in a viral transport medium, refrigerate the specimen, and then contact their state or local health department to facilitate transport and timely diagnosis at a state public health laboratory. CDC requests that state public health laboratories promptly send all influenza A specimens that cannot be subtyped to the CDC, Influenza Division, Virus Surveillance and Diagnostics Branch Laboratory.

Persons with febrile respiratory illness should stay home from work or school to avoid spreading infections (including influenza and other respiratory illnesses) to others in their communities.
In addition, frequent hand washing can lessen the spread of respiratory illness.
CDC has not recommended that people avoid travel to affected areas at this time. Recommendations found at http://wwwn.cdc.gov/travel/contentSwineFluUS.aspx will help travelers reduce risk of infection and stay healthy.

Clinical guidance on laboratory safety, case definitions, infection control and information for the public are available at:http://www.cdc.gov/swineflu/investigation.htm.

Swine Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Biosafety Guidelines for Laboratory Workers: http://www.cdc.gov/swineflu/guidelines_labworkers.htm

Interim Guidance for Infection Control for Care of Patients with Confirmed or Suspected Swine Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Infection in a Healthcare Setting: http://www.cdc.gov/swineflu/guidelines_infection_control.htm

Interim Guidance on Case Definitions for Swine Influenza A (H1N1) Human Case Investigations: http://www.cdc.gov/swineflu/casedef_swineflu.htm

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports Dispatch (April 24) provide detailed information about the initial cases at http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm58d0424a1.htm

For more information about swine flu: http://www.cdc.gov/swineflu
Additional information is also available by calling 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636)
Categories of Health Alert messages:
Health Alert conveys the highest level of importance; warrants immediate action or attention.
Health Advisory provides important information for a specific incident or situation; may not require immediate action.
Health Update provides updated information regarding an incident or situation; unlikely to require immediate action.

##This Message was distributed to State and Local Health Officers, Public Information Officers, Epidemiologists and HAN Coordinators as well as Clinician organizations##

Source: http://www.cdc.gov/swineflu/pdf/HAN_042509.pdf

A Map of UFO Sighting Hot Spots in America

Where do UFOs show their blinky lights most often in America? Now a handy map of UFO sightings since the 1940s offers a surprising answer.

As part of Popular Mechanics' special report on UFO sightings, the magazine has put together a map showing where people report UFOs most often. Los Angeles tops the list, which isn't terribly surprising given its proximity to an industry which has churned out hundreds of movies about alien invasion.

Other top cities, like San Diego, are in close proximity to "special use airspace," areas the military reserves for aircraft testing. That might mean residents are more likely to see unexplained things zooming across the skies and report them. In fact, several regions close to special use airspace have high UFO sighting rates.

Popular Mechanics speculates that other areas, like tiny Westmoreland County, PA, have (proportionally) such a huge number of sightings due to local history. An alleged UFO crash happened in that region in the 1950s, and so locals may be more likely to report UFOs to authorities.

via Popular Mechanics

UFO Hunters Season 3 - Nazi Ufos

Running Time : Approx 45 mins

It has long been suspected that Nazi leaders had more than a passing interesting in the occult and UFOs. UFO investigators now believe there was a connection between the UFO phenomenon and the Third Reich. Could the technology that grew into our modern day space program have been passed to the Germans by aliens, as some believe, and then confiscated by the U.S. government after the end of World War II? Now, our team will travel to Germany and Poland to investigate bizarre alien links that go back hundreds of years.

Thank you to YouTube Member : dennyfromspace

Posted by : WebeUFOBelievers



Posted on Thursday, April 23rd, 2009
By Erik Van Datiken

ASTANA - Kazakhstan is attempting to be the first nation to publicly welcome extraterrestrial visitors!

According to Express K, a Kazakh newspaper, the Republic of Kazakhstan is preparing to build the world’s first UFO base and alien embassy. It is being reported that the government has allocated a large portion of land near the city of Almaty for the project. The plans include a UFO landing pad, guesthouse and translation service. How the translation program will be created was not made clear.

Ufologists are applauding the government, which openly believes that contact with extraterrestrials is inevitable and is attempting to establish the nation as forward-thinking. Others are criticizing the project as being an obvious tourism ploy.

So why Kazakhstan, of all places? It has long been rumored that an underwater UFO base exists in the Derbent Hollow of the Caspian Sea, which sits on Kazakhstan’s border. This has even been confirmed by the head of neighboring Azerbaijan’s national Aerospace Agency, Fuad Gasimov, who worked for the old USSR science academy while they were secretly monitoring UFO activity.

According to a Baku Sun newspaper article published in 2002, Gasimov said the Soviet organization charted UFOs. “The organization sent an expedition to Baku and the Absheron Peninsula, where they discovered UFOs bases around the Nardaran and Pirshagi districts and around the Siyazan water spring. The entrances to these bases, he says, are found deep underground.”

Will these visitors come out of the dark and begin publicly visiting Kazakhstan? Or is this all just a publicity ploy?

Source here, original here.

Former Apollo astronaut calls on the US government to 'open up' about aliens

Former Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell

Former Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell. Photograph: Steven A Henry/Getty Images

The truth is out there. And a former Apollo 14 astronaut wants you to know about it. Edgar Mitchell, who made the longest moonwalk in history in 1971, says alien life does exist and the US government is blocking the information from getting out.

On Monday Mitchell addressed the issue of extraterrestrial life at the National Press Club in Washington after the X-Conference, a convention of UFO researchers and activists.

"We are being visited," he said. "It is now time to put away this embargo of truth about the alien presence. I call upon our government to open up ... and become a part of this planetary community that is now trying to take our proper role as a spacefaring civilisation."

Mitchell, who has a PhD in aeronautics and astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said it's only a matter of time before we need to evacuate Earth and seek a new home. "The sun will burn out in due course, and we have to be off this planet if our species is to survive. At this point in human history on this planet, we're now starting, and should be, to reach out beyond our planet and then beyond our solar system to find out what is really going on out there."

Growing up in Roswell, New Mexico - where some UFO experts believe a crash took place in 1947 – Mitchell said residents of the town "had been hushed and told not to talk about their experience by military authorities" and were told they would suffer "dire consequences" if they did.

Residents relayed eyewitness accounts of alien sightings to him because they "didn't want to go to the grave with their story. They wanted to tell somebody reliable. And being a local boy and having been to the moon, they considered me reliable enough to whisper in my ear their particular story."

Mitchell's belief in the existence of aliens is well documented. In an interview with the Times in 1998, he said he is "90% sure that many of the thousands of unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, recorded since the 1940s, belong to visitors from other planets."

"A few insiders know the truth . . . and are studying the bodies that have been discovered," he told the St Petersburg Times of Florida in 2004.

Source: guardian.co.uk

The Veritas Show - Show 17 - Bob Emenegger

Running Time : Approx 2hrs 19mins

Bob Emenegger's story is potentially one of the best UFO stories of all time.

The UFO landing at Holloman Air Force Base. Bob Emenegger, a natural skeptic, and his business partner, are invited by the U.S. Military to receive UFO footage filmed by the same military to be used in their film.


Bob Emenegger is a screen writer and director for many documentaries, television specials, and feature films for TV syndication, he is a 1965 UCLA graduate in film and winner of numerous first place awards and gold medals in domestic and foreign film festivals.

He is the producer and director of ten original science fiction feature films and four two hour documentaries for TV: Laboratory, Psi factor, Captive and Time Warp. Other samples of Emenegger's works from who's who in entertainment include: The Day the Silence Came; Hypnosis and Beyond; Is Everyone Happy But Me? And Death: The Ultimate Mystery.

He received a golden globe nomination for his film: UFOs Past, Present & Future. He directed live musicals starring Carl Burnett. Music for a dozen pop single records on Capitol, Mercury and other labels.

Album on ABC music for TV series Lance Link; songs recorded by Kenny Rogers, Glen Yarbrough and others. He also scored films and TV spots.

The Veritas Show Website
The Veritas Show Blog
The Manticore Forum

Posted By : WebeUFOBelievers

A SETI Paradigm shift?

Image Credit: ESO (Artist's Impression)
A recent -- and overall sensible -- New York Times editorial by the SETI Institute's Seth Shostak makes me wonder if a long-overdue paradigm shift is finally underway among American SETI scientists.

For a long time, as I've written about here many times before, American SETI scientists -- with Shostak predominant among them -- have dismissed out of hand the possibility that an advanced extraterrestrial civilization has ever ventured to travel to our solar system. Unexplained phenomena such as UFO reports cannot be evidence of extraterrestrial visitation, the reasoning goes, because interstellar travel is simply prohibitively expensive regardless of a civilization's age or technological level of development. Rather than looking for signs of visitation, they insist, we should limit our search for E.T. to looking for radio and perhaps laser transmissions.

In his recent column, Shostak doesn't back off that stance explicitly. His column discusses what he views as the apparent futility of human interstellar travel, given our current and projected states of knowledge and technological development. (I'm going to set aside his main thesis, which many have questioned, including myself.)

What intrigues me is Shostak's suggestion that what may be within our technological grasp are small, smart interstellar probes that remotely explore extrasolar planetary systems and then radio the results back to Earth. While such missions may require many decades before we get the results from distant probes sent on long journeys light-years from Earth, such probes are conceivable given our current technological development.

What is intriguing about Shostak's suggestion, of course, are its as-yet unstated implications.

The SETI radio searches are based on the hypothesis that since we -- an intelligent, technological civilization -- use radio to communicate, so would an advanced technological civilization located in an extrasolar planetary system. We search for extraterrestrial radio and laser signals because we know we, as a technological civilization, are capable of sending them.

On the other hand, if we are capable of sending unmanned probes to other planetary systems light-years from our own and to wait patiently for the results, then perhaps an intelligent species elsewhere has done the same, and the evidence is hiding somewhere in our own solar system, waiting for us to discover it.

Should SETI radio searches be complemented by a systematic search for evidence of extraterrestrial artifacts in our neighborhood?

Of course they should.

We are not Alone.....

We spotted this link left by Griffin_21 from Mysteries And The Unknown

Earth Day is due to fall on the 22nd April 2009, but as former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell and other UFO enthusiasts are concerned, the real story is happening elsewhere.

Edgar Mitchell, who was part of the Apollo 14 Moon Mission back in 1971, asserted on Monday 20th April 2009, that ET life exists, and the truth is being concealed by the US and other Governments, around the world.

In a Poll on the AOL News website. the question :-

Do you think extreterrestrial beings have visited Earth?

So far out of 444,397 votes the break down is :-

Yes = 73% (324,938 Votes) UPDATED!

No = 17% (74,204 Votes) UPDATED!

Undecided = 10% (46,255 Votes) UPDATED!

The other question on here is :-

Do you think the government is trying to cover up the existence of extraterrestrial life?

So far out of 428,611 votes the break down is :-

Yes = 76% (327,390 Votes) UPDATED!

No = 15% (65,100 Votes) UPDATED!

Undecided = 9% (36,121 Votes) UPDATED!

Have you ever seen a UFO?

So far out of 352,136 votes the break down is :-

No = 75% (264,177 Votes)

Yes = 25% (87,959 Votes)

Given the results of these polls so far, one cannot help but conclude that mankind is ready for Disclosure..... What do you think?

The later poll, shows amazingly that 1 in 4 people polled have seen a UFO!

Cast your vote on these polls, by visiting AOL News

Poll results updated 24th April 2009

Fifth Annual X-Conference CNN News Coverage APRIL 20, 2009

EBE/UFO sighting in North Carolina warns of World War III

I decided to post this since it brought back a dream I had myself, a dream that felt so real to me.

About two months ago, I had two dreams in two consecutive nights. I could not see anything but a face of a red haired lady who resembled a human but I know, somehow, she wasn't human. Or should I say, I could FEEL she wasn't human. I still feel that sensation and I don't know how to explain it. Her hair reminded of Medusa, the greek goddess, her curls were all over her face. She was very, very pretty, a sweet looking face. I didn't feel threatened by her face, nor scared. In that dream I was looking really close at her face, as if her face was not farther than a few inches from mine. i could see nothing else but her face right in front of mine, as if she was examining me. My eyes were moving up and I remember seeing her small chin, her mouth with no expression or smile, her tiny nose, her eyes (looking down, or maybe closed) and finally her big wavy red hair. Then, I woke up.

The following night I had the exact same dream. The only difference was, when I finally saw her eyes, they opened, and they were like two orange fire orbs, and she gave me a faint, almost imperceptible smile.

When I woke up I went straight to Google and looked for photos or CGI that resembled her. The photos shown here are the closest ones I could get.

A few of you already know of this dream. I just considered it as a weird dream but it still puzzled me. Reading the post below brought me back this dream and I wanted to share with everyone...now read the post below and you will understand why:

Source: MUFON/ The Canadian

Edited by Albert S. Rosales


The following apparent UFO and alien abduction took place at about 2:10 am in North Carolina (exact location not given) on 30 November 2008.

The witness (involved in other encounters) had fallen sleep and was woken up by a bright light coming through the window, next thing she knows she is on a stretcher accompanied by a short grey, which lets her know he wants to hurt her (!). Then a tall grey humanoid appears and dismisses the short grey with a wave of his hand. He then rubs the witness forehead and lets him know he is ok. They communicate by using telepathy.

She is then scanned by a machine that looks like an upside “L” usually that’s all they do but this time the short grey came in and gave her an injection in her inner right upper arm which was very painful. Then she was taken to what she describes as a waiting room to go home, still on a stretcher. Then a bright redheaded woman comes in and takes his hand in hers (but she has four claws instead of hand like humans) and says “come with me”. She gets up and goes with her.

She is already terrified because of the injection and the fact that she had never seen a woman there. The woman has bright red long hair, with what appeared to be a crown on her head. She has white skin very beautiful dark deep set blue slanted upward eyes, a small nose and a round mouth and actually talks like a human and her mouth moves. She was dressed in a shimmering silver gown with a dark purple hooded robe over it. She is wearing a dark deep blue diamond shaped stone that glows brilliantly and bright. She has a kind and trusting voice.

The witness was impressed with the woman and does not know if she is a queen or princess. She is still partly afraid because she doesn’t know what she wants with her. She saw no feet but her gown did drag the floor. She leads her to a room with children of all ages, from small to what he would consider to be teenagers. They all come running up to her as if they knew her and all looked like 2 people she knows and herself. They were all trying to touch her and most did.

Then they went into another room which had embryos and foetuses. There were hundreds so it seemed, they also had something over their eyes because they were in bright lights. They looked human but had no visible sex organs. Then the woman says, “Come on” and they leave. They walk down a hall to what appears to be a large picture window in a house. She tells her “to look through it”.

What she saw appears to have been the future. There was a bloody war in the U.S. and other countries and it was very graphic, he began to cry and said she didn’t want to see anymore and turns away. But she yells at her to look, so she did, what she saw this time was death, many people dying some of sickness others via suicide and others murdered. Some she knew and some she had never seen before.

Finally she told her that she had seen enough and refused to look back in the window. She kept saying, “We are not through” over and over again. She kept saying, “No, no”! Then she was back on her bed and for a while she could not move or speak. But as soon as she could she asked her husband where did the bright light go and where did the grays and that woman go. He said he didn’t see anything as usual. She got up at 6:00 am tired and drained of energy.

When she went to put her clothes on she noticed bruise marks on both sides of her abdomen, so her husband took pictures of them and a red area in her inner right arm. As the day went on the bruise on her stomach became redder and resembled scratch marks. The witness took additional photos.

Source:Mufon LINK

Editorial reference: LINK

The Veritas Show - Show 16 - Nassim Haramein

Running Time : Approx 2hrs 30mins

Aired : Friday April 10, 2009

Nassim Haramein. Crossing The Event Horizon.

The Resonance Project

Nassim has spent most of his life researching the fundamental geometry of hyperspace, studying a variety of fields from theoretical physics, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology and chemistry to anthropology and ancient civilizations. Combining this knowledge with a keen observation of the behavior of nature, he discovered a specific geometric array that he found to be fundamental to creation, and the foundation for his Unified Field Theory emerged.


Nassim Haramein was born in Geneva, Switzerland in 1962. As early as 9 years old, Nassim was already developing the basis for a unified hyperdimensional theory of matter and energy, which he eventually called the "Holofractographic Universe." His lifelong exploration into the geometry of spacetime has resulted in an exciting comprehensive Unification theory based on a new solution to Einstein’s Field Equations. This groundbreaking theory, which incorporates torque, Coriolis effects and the nonlinear mathematics of fractal systems, has been delivered to the scientific community through peer-reviewed papers and presentations at international physics conferences. His research into a variety of fields including theoretical physics, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology, chemistry and ancient civilizations has led to a coherent understanding of the fundamental structure and model of the Universe. This new view leads to an in depth change in our current perception of physics and consciousness. Weaving together the sciences of advanced physics, cosmology, chemistry and biology as well as the wisdom and codes of the ancients, Haramein creates an exciting unified tapestry of spacetime which may prove to be one of the most important scientific, philosophical and technological discoveries of our time. Haramein is the Director of Research at The Resonance Project, a 501(c)3 public charity dedicated to the exploration of unification principles and their implications in our world today. The foundation is actively developing a research park where science, sustainability, green technology and permaculture come together.

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Posted by : WebeUFOBelievers

Octopus UFO filmed in Brazil IS NOT A UFO

I have seen this video and many others in many UFO sites. Even though I would love to bring this forward as real I have to discard this one.

This is one of the videos that have been going around the internet:

Here's another one:

These are giant paper hot air baloons. Yes, it is still done in Brazil, apart from the fire hazards. It is illegal but many people still do it, I grew up watching many of these flying across the sky, (back then it was still legal to do so) They have many shapes. Some have lanterns, sometimes hundreds of them with small candles in them, and those are usually launched at night. Some have also fireworks attached to them. This is a big huge illegal "business" that still happens there, although now less than what I used to see growing up. June is the month when you see most of these baloons in the sky. And every kid runs to 'catch" a baloon that is falling down, it is some sort of "prize" for them.

Here's a Google translation of what these are. Here's the original link, in Portuguese.

And here are more videos of these baloons being launched.

DVD Capital Ecológica 8 - Compre Já! Www.papelecola.com

Manufacturing UFOs in Campinas SP Brazil -

Here's some with lanterns.

Giant Paper Hot Air Balloon (Modelado 10m - Turma Do Jaca) - The funniest videos clips are here

if you wish to perform your own google search on these, look for the words:

Giant Paper Hot Air Baloons
Festa Junina

Many captivated by couple's alien abduction story

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Foster's Daily Democrat

Cook/Staff photo Janet Jillette of Concord looks at a bust of "Junior," an alien based on the description Betty Hill gave years after she and her husband, Barney Hill, reported that they were abducted by aliens in the White Mountains on Sept. 19 1961. Jillette also views the dress worn by Betty Hill that night at a special exhibit honoring the former Portsmouth couple's story.

It may have been nearly 50 years since Betty and Barney Hill said they were abducted by a UFO, but their story continues to captivate both believers in extraterrestrials and skeptics alike.

Janet Jillette of Concord said she's firmly believed in UFOs and the Hills' compelling story ever since she saw a UFO in 1973.

It was Labor Day weekend and she, her son and her son's friend were riding their bicycles on Route 87 in Epping at night. Jillette said she suddenly saw a large oval object with bright lights in the sky move back and forth very quickly.

She recalled her son and his friend were frightened, but she was mesmerized.

"It stayed with me all these years," she said. "I believe that they exist. I really do."

Jillette said she saw Betty Hill speak at the annual Portsmouth UFO conference in 2002 a few years before Betty Hill passed away. Barney Hill died in 1969.

Jillette was one of many people who attended a forum and exhibit opening at the University of New Hampshire in Durham Friday afternoon honoring Betty and Barney Hill, their story of being abducted by aliens in 1961 and Barney Hill's work in the civil rights movement.

Jillette pored over the exhibit's documents, photographs and other items at the Milne Special Collections and Archives room at UNH's Dimond Library. Many photos were of Betty Hill or were photos of UFOs that Betty Hill had taken. The exhibit also features a map showing the route the Hills traveled when they were reportedly abducted, the dress Betty Hill wore that night and a bust of an alien nicknamed "Junior," based on the description Betty Hill gave years after the incident.

"She was an amazing lady. I believed her," Jillette said.

George Saufley of Rochester, an aerial observer for the U.S. Forest Service, said he believed the Hills' account also. He attended the forum, held at the Memorial Union Building, along with 30 other people.

He heard Kathleen Marden, Betty Hills' niece, walk the audience through the night of Sept. 19, 1961, when she said her aunt and uncle were abducted by aliens in an area in the White Mountains town of Thornton.

The Hills were on their way home to Portsmouth from a vacation in Canada. The couple said they saw a large spacecraft and that they were taken aboard by aliens who examined them and released them unharmed.

The couple later gained international fame as the story about their alien encounter spread.

Saufley said he's convinced he had contact with extraterrestrials after a vivid dream he had in Maine. He said he dreamed a space ship flew overhead and did an MRI on him from a distance. He said his dream led to premonitions about the Fox Run Mall in Newington a year before it was built and the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks several years before they happened.

"I to this day don't know if it was a dream or a real experience," he said. "Improbable things happen. It's hard to tell reality from fantasy."

But unlike the Hills, he said, "I have never actually seen a UFO."

Marden and Ufologist and nuclear physicist Stanford Friedman recently cowrote a book titled "Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience," detailing the Hills' experience.

Marden said she remembers her aunt telling her mother all about the abduction and swearing her to secrecy. She said the Hills didn't want to tell the world their story because they feared it would hurt their reputations.

She said Betty Hill was concerned she could lose her job as state social worker and Barney Hill was worried he'd lose his job as U.S. Postal worker.

Marden said she spent years researching the Hills' story herself and even took several trips into the White Mountains to retrace their journey on the night of the abduction. She also showed slides of the area in Thornton, located off Millbrook Road, where the Hills say the abduction took place after the aliens hovered near and over their car along Route 3 from Indian Head to Thornton. Marden said that area is now a housing development.

Marden said she's convinced the abduction happened, based on everything the couple shared with her and the recorded recollections made by the couple while Dr. Benjamin Simon put them under hypnosis in Boston.

She said one of the most telling clues is how the Hills were put under hypnosis separately and related the same details about their alien captors, what occurred on the spacecraft and how they were abducted.

Marden said both Betty and Barney Hill said they saw eight to 11 men at a roadblock after they drove onto Millbrook Road near a steel bridge. They also said there were later approached by three men as they sat in their car.

"One man put his hand out and I don't know what happened," Betty Hill said on one recording Marden played.

"This provided evidence to me this was a real experience at this point," Marden said.

During those sessions, which lasted several months, Marden said the Hills described in great detail what their captors looked like, the inside of the spacecraft, and even a star chart Betty Hill said one alien showed her when she asked the alien where they came from.

Marden said the couple's car also had several spots on the body where the aliens had used a beam that made their car and bodies vibrate. The spots faded away during the winter of 1962, but Marden said when the couple put a compass on the hood of their car, the needle would just spin and spin.

Some people who attended the forum said they find the Hills' story fascinating even if they remain skeptical about UFOs.

Bob Reed, a retired UNH librarian, said he came to the university around the same time the news broke about the Hills' abduction in the Boston Traveler in 1965.

"I find it interesting that there seems to be people who've had experiences," he said.

Catherine Adams of Northwood, a sophomore at UNH, said she attended the forum because her English class is reading Marden's book and she wanted to learn more about the Hill's story.

"I think it's possible. Anything is possible," Adams said. "It happened so long ago, but you really don't hear about anything happening nowadays."


Janet Jillette of Concord looks at written accounts of the reported alien abduction of Betty and Barney Hill, a Portsmouth couple who claimed they were captured in the White Mountains by aliens in 1961 and studied. Cook/Staff photo


Cook/Staff photo David Watters, director of the Center for New England Culture at the University of New Hampshire, introduces Kathleen Marden, the niece of Betty Hill, at a forum Friday honoring Betty and Barney Hill, the Portsmouth couple who claimed they were abducted by aliens in the White Mountains in 1961. Marden recently cowrote a book about the Hills and their story.

Cook/Staff photo George Saufley of Rochester said he firmly believes in UFOs and extraterrestrials. He was one of several area residents who attended a forum at the University of New Hampshire in Durham commemorating Betty and Barney Hill of Portsmouth, a couple who claimed they were abducted by aliens in the White Mountains in 1961.

The Veritas Show - Show 15 - Norio Hayakawa

Running Time : Approx 2hrs 58mins

Aired : April 3, 2009:

Norio Hayakay. The Dulce Base: Fact or Fiction?


Norio Hayakawa discussed Area 51, the Dulce Base: Fact or Fiction, and the UFO phenomenon.


Norio Hayakawa is the founder of the Civilian Intelligence Network, CIN, and has been involved in UFO investigations and research for 46 years. He has visited Area 51, various UFO crash sites and mysterious locations such as Dulce, New Mexico. Norio has presented at several UFO conferences and was a guest on the Art Bell Show. He is a fascinating man with a wealth of UFO knowledge.

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Posted by : webeufobelievers

KGB found Egyptian artifacts, believed to be extraterrestrial

This is perhaps the best evidence we have seen.Face reconstruction look similar to Star Child Alien Skull found in Mexico...

Its made us wonder how long our American government can now keep it away from us...

Source: UFO Blogger

Triangular-shaped UFO's reported in several states

Richard Sanner

Pittsburgh UFO Examiner

There has been an increase in triangular-shaped UFO reports coming in over the past couple of days. While the reports are scattered from all across the U.S., there are some similarities in descriptions. Many people are reporting that the lights seem foggy, hazy, and dim, while the objects appear to be somewhat transparent. The trend continued yesterday (April 16), including the following reports just received......

Bridgeport, Ohio - 4/16/2009

Witness observed lights in a triangular formation traveling west to east. The object was silent and moving very quickly, but was lower, faster and much larger than the normal air traffic coming to and from Pittsburgh International Airport. There were three very faint white lights at each corner.

Englewood, Colorado - 4/16/2009

Two witnesses described seeing a fuzzy, hazy, or possibly transparent object that appeared to be gliding, or being "pulled" along, not propelled, or pushed through the air. The object seemed to be floating, and moved from side to side. It flew across the sky and then over the house and out of view. The object had seven circles, or spheres, in the formation of two sides of a triangle - one at the point, and three on each side. The lights really didn't seem to be lit, but rather dimly glowing, or reflecting light from the city. There was also an appearance of a "shadow" filling in the rest of the triangle, similar to being "cloaked".

Poughkeepsie, New York - 4/16/2009

Several witnesses reported seeing an object with the appearance of an inverted "V", with the point traveling forward. It was made up of five individual lights on each side. The lights appeared to form a single object and traveled at a very odd speed, sliding across the sky with no resistance. The object also appeared to be transparent as the witness couldn't distinguish between the night sky and the object, other than the lights moving in the V pattern.

Los Angeles, California - 4/16/2009

Witness observed a huge triangular-shaped object ,with dim (foggy) lights along the edge, fly overhead. The witness emphasized the size of the object, claiming that it had to be 5-6 times the size of a conventional commercial airliner. The object traveled very slowly towards the west, and the witness could not detect any noise.

Pasadena, Maryland - 4/16/2009

Witness was awakened at approximately 3:00 a.m. to a strange humming sound. The witness described the sound as being similar to a street sweeper in the distance, or a humming sound emitted by an electrical transformer. Upon looking out a bedroom window, the witness observed a black, diamond, boomerang-shaped object drifting over the tree line. There was no light coming from the object, just blackness and a constant humming. The witness further stated that they felt very strange immediately following the event, complaining of back and chest pains.

Belfast, Maine - 4/16/2009

Witness observed an object that was triangular-shaped, with three light lights - one at each point of the triangle; and one or two red lights in the center. The object remained in their field of vision for approximately 10-15 seconds. None of the lights were blinking, and the object did seem to emit a sound similar to that of a conventional jet engine, except muffled.

Burnsville, Minnesota - 4/15/2009

Two witnesses noticed six dim lights in the sky, in the shape of a halo. The sky was clear, and the lights seemed to make up some sort of a disk hovering in the air. The object was observed for almost 30 minutes, before the lights finally started to dim.

Researchers say special ops UFO manual looks authentic

By Steve Hammons
Joint Recon Study Group

An alleged 1954 U.S. special operations manual that provides instruction on dealing with UFOs and extraterrestrial beings was discussed by researchers Robert Wood, Ph.D., and Ryan Wood Thursday, April 16, on the radio program “Coast to Coast AM.”

The Woods, a father and son team, examine and evaluate the authenticity of various government documents related to UFOs.

They said on Coast to Coast AM that their research indicates the manual has characteristics indicating it is authentic.

The alleged manual is titled "SOM1-01 Special Operations Manual: Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal."

The cover of the manual includes the date April 1954 and notes that it was created by the "Majestic-12 Group."

Some researchers have proposed that the manual could be a fraud or hoax. If that is the case, which is possible, the manual would not be considered a classified or restricted government document.


In the table of contents, the manual lists six chapters as well as other sub-sections. Additional information at the end of the manual is also of interest.

The sections include:

“Chapter 1 – Operation Majestic-12, Section I: Project purpose and goals”

“Chapter 2 – Introduction, Section I: General, Section II: Definition and data”

“Chapter 3 – Recovery Operations, Section I: Security, Section II: Technology recovery”

“Chapter 4 – Receiving and Handling, Section I: Handling upon receipt of material”

“Chapter 5 – Extraterrestrial Biological Entities, Section I: Living organisms, Section II: Non-living organisms”

“Chapter 6 – Guide to UFO Identification, Section I: UFOB guide, Section II: Identification criteria, Section III: Possible origins”

The copy of the manual the Woods obtained was a page-by-page photocopy. Some of the text is difficult to read. However, interesting material is contained in the alleged manual. This includes the following:

“Scope: This manual has been prepared especially for Majestic-12 units. Its purpose is to present all aspects of Majestic-12 so authorized personnel will have a better understanding of the goals of the Group, be able to more expertly deal with Unidentified Flying Objects, Extraterrestrial Technology and Entities, and increase the efficiency of future operations.”

“General: MJ-12 takes the subject of UFOBs, Extraterrestrial Technology and Extraterrestrial Biological Entities very seriously and considers the entire subject to be a matter of the very highest national security.”

“History of the Group: Operation Majestic-12 was established by classified presidential order on 24 September 1947 at the recommendation of Secretary of Defense James V. Forrestal and Dr. Vannevar Bush, Chairman of the Joint Research and Development Board.”

The alleged manual describes the goals of the Majestic-12 Group in detail including the acquisition of "EBEs" and technology, formation of special teams to for these purposes, designation of secure facilities for these activities and related support operations.

The manual also provides an overview of the "current situation" about what was known at that time regarding views on extraterrestrial visitors. Possible threats to the U.S. are also assessed.


One section of the manual is "Description of Craft." This section describes four types of craft: "Elliptical or disc shape," "fuselage or cigar shape," "ovoid or circular shape" and "airfoil or triangular shape." The manual also provides details of each UFO type, based on radar and observations.

In another section, "Description of Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs)," the document notes "EBE Type I" and "EBE Type II" and includes physical descriptions of the beings.

In a section titled "Description of Extraterrestrial Technology," the manual reviews analysis of materials obtained from UFO crashes.

Security aspects of the situation as well as recovery of EBEs and technology from crashes or other kinds of encounters are covered in the manual. Sub-sections include "Press Blackout," "Secure the Area," "Removal and Transport," "Cleansing the Area" and "Special or Unusual Conditions."

The manual also includes specific instructions regarding packing any materials obtained and the shipment of such materials to other personnel.

In a section on "Extraterrestrial Biological Entities," sub-sections provide guidance on circumstances of contact or encounters such as "Encounters initiated by EBEs" and "Encounters as the result of downed craft."

Information in the manual also covers "Isolation and Custody" of living EBEs as well as "Retrieval and Preservation" of deceased EBEs.

The alleged special operations manual and other documents are available online in PDF at MajesticDocuments.com.

MajesticDocuments.com provides a printed version of the manual for $8.00 plus shipping. MajesticDocuments.com describes this product as follows: "The Special Operations Manual 1-01 (SOM112) – This manual titled 'Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal' is in the 2 color 6 x 9 inch original format typical of field manuals. It is a precisely produced reproduction of the originally photographed text. 32 pages."